Join the Green Team at a Muster!
Give us a few minutes of your time!
1. Change a bag. Around the muster field, and even in your own campsite, you will see green recycling racks with clear plastic bags tied around the legs. If you see a rack with a bag that is full, replace the bag and bring it to the Green Team headquarters for that muster (usually marked by one of the banners below, near the dumpsters.) If you need help finding it, go to the Company tent. PLEASE DO NOT put the bag in the dumpster. 2. Bring us cases! We always need extra cardboard boxes to bring glass bottles to the redemption centers. Drop your empty boxes (or fill with your empty bottles) by the Green Team headquarters or leave them by a recycling bin. Join the sorting party or redemption team!
1. Help us sort! On Saturday evening and Sunday morning you will find a crew of of volunteers at the sorting party. We are separating all of the weekend's collection into bags of plastic, cans, or glass and we are always looking for more help. This takes about 30 minutes, but the more people working the less time it takes! 2. Do you have a truck? We need you! On Sunday morning we send teams of volunteers to drive bags of recyclables to grocery stores and redemption centers. Please talk to a Green Team Leader at a muster, we will be forever appreciative. 3. Join a Sunday redemption run. As early as 8 am we send volunteers with truckloads of sorted cans and bottles to redemption centers where we finally reap the rewards of the weekend's work. Find us throughout the weekend or at the Sunday Sorting Party to find out more and to jump in to help! |
Bring recycling to a muster the Green Team hasn't yet reached |
There are several musters at which Green Team volunteers have not yet begun recycling efforts. We need your help! Moodus, Colchester, and the Feast of the Hunters' Moon all need Green Team liaisons. Do you know another? Help us extend our reach and send more kids to camp!
Please seek out a member of the Green Team leadership to find out more. We have green team kits with all of the supplies you will need to start. You will be a Camp Hero! |
Recycle and redeem at home or at other events! |
Several families recycle their own cans and bottles at home and donate the money to the Junior Fife and Drum Camp every year. Search your area for redemption sites at grocery stores, liquor stores, and redemption centers. See how to redeem for some helpful tips!
Ready to send? Please send a check with the redemption amount to Camp Director Cap Corduan, 288 Walton Street, Fitchburg, MA 01420. Please make check out to Company of F&D Junior Camp and put GREEN TEAM in the memo line. It is also helpful to send an email to [email protected] alerting us to your generous gift, so we can add you to our celebratory record and this site! |